Friday, November 11, 2011

Globalization and The Market

Have you ever wondered how the market is effected by Globalization? Not too many conversations discussed about that on a daily basis, huh? Well, Stefan Stremersch and Peter C. Verhoef spent time doing research on the issue. Their work shared that topics related to globalization and the market aren't really popular. But why? Is it really not important or just not interesting? Can it serve some benefit to people in the long run if discussions were held often? Well, some researchers believe globalization can affect the market and how people need to step up and take initiative.               

The two authors mentioned above dedicated time to investigating whether or not there is "evidence of increasing globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline and if it hinders the field." According to the Globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline: Does it help or hinder the field? Globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline, the authors' goal was to reveal how America's dominance is fading and which countries have experienced a rise in productivity.          

 In the study, the authors says Globalization helps the market, because it has a positive effect on the diversity and that the important implications of their research are that journals and sponsoring organizations should strive for more international meetings; editors, reviewers, and authors should pay more attention to the global relevance of the research they publish, review, and submit; and individual researchers should aim to be part of the global community of marketing scientists through international research visits.           

The authors are correct in their findings. If more people in the journalism market would cover stories on globalization, frame those stories to diverse audiences to create a tipping point, more citizens in America and people around the world would take globalization seriously. Yes, news is important. But the significance of globalization is just as newsworthy as philanthropists and crimes. Our world is steadily changing because of people. As a result, people should constantly inform others on the responsibilities of taking care of the environment. Countries should encourage residents to care more about the environment, and if establishing incentives to move an audience is necessary, then that should be considered.           

Each person can make a difference. All it takes is action and the spreading of knowledge.  

Stefan,S. Peter.,V. (2005). Globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline: Does it help or hinder the field?globalization of authorship in the marketing discipline. Marketing Science, 24(4), 585-594. Retrieved from              

To learn more, visit   

The Media Role in Global Warming and Climate Change


Representatives from the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corporation share adviced  on financial empowerment. 

Perry Paige Auditorium was the place to be at Florida A & M University on Wednesday February 17, 2010. At 5 pm, Joy Ellington and Mr. Simms  introduced a presentation to seated Rattlers about the FDIC and how to manage and grow finances.  

As PRodigy associates assisted with the growing number of attendees at the "Who Wants to be a Millioniare" workshop, the audience acknowledged the foundation to building wealth. News such as the "Four C's" of creditor's decision making process was shared. Being aware of the connection amongst capacity, capital, character and collateral, also known as the "Four C's," will allow individuals to enhance his or her intellect on finances. Recognizing how money works can allow better provision of funds. Budgeting, investing, and saving are forms of money management that may condition finances to grow.

Ellington and Simms acquainted the audience on the importance of credit. Differences between good credit and bad credit were discussed in the workshop; enlightening all on the significance of FICO scores, which ranges from 300-900.

The FDIC representatives shared websites that should be considered in regards to financial development and growth. Two are and

A reception was held Immediately following the workshop for individuals present.

The FDIC insures the money placed in banks. It was set up in the 1930's during the Great Depression. Visit for more information on the Federal Deposit and Insurance Corportation.

PRodigy is a public relations firm run by Florida A & M University students. The 2010 advisor for PRodigy is Gina Kinchlow. For more details about PRodigy and the company's services call 850-412-5389.

FICO stands for the Fair Issac Company. Visit for details.

Changing behavior to increase recycling

If you were to ask your peers if recycling is a priority, more than likely, the response will be no. Our atmosphere is becoming more and more damaged, and it's because or our lifestyles. If people would adapt a recycling method that complements his or her lifestyle, there will be a decrease in the amount of damage the planet will endure. So, the question now is, How do we change our behavior?

Public participation and recycling performance in England: A comparison of tools for behaviour change is an article that focuses on changing behavior to increase recylcing. 

The best place to start with changing recycling habits is at home.

"Not all households are recycling as much as they can," is a comment that stood out in the article. The first step to changing a behavior is admitting that you need to change for the better.

Recycling is perceived as an act of good, so why should be "exaggerate" the truth? Why not exaggerate our actions?

The article stated "when asked, many people “exaggerated” their recycling behavior. Data highlighted the significant gap between what people said they would do and what they actually did; it was suggested that this was because people recognize recycling as “a good thing” and want to give the “right answer”."

According to the article, enablers, encouragement, engagement and exemplifying are influences of recycling.

Being concerned for the environment, having a positive recycling attitude, having the proper storage space, and having parental influences are methods listed in the article that can enable an individual to better their recycling behavior. I agree with the enabling process in changing behavior, because having someone to remind you to recycle, in addition with having the proper storage space, will increase your actions and behavior toward recycling.

The article listed taxes, penalties as methods that encourage individuals to recycle. I disagree with the article, because many may think that the government cannot penalize them for not recycling, because how will it be recognized that there was no recycling at a specific house. I do not think it will be noticed or narrowed down to a specific house.

Communication, obtaining feedback, consultation, and community involvement are methods of engagement that are listed in the article. The article states that individuals should not chastise others for not recycling, but to be optimistic in persuasion; stating that it is important for people to recycle not just for the environment, but for personal benefits. Furthering knowledge may also allow others to understand the significance of recycling, thus changing behavior.

Leading by example is the final process in changing behavior, according to the article. I agree, because people tend to follow others when good actions are seen. If someone recycles, the person will also recycle.

This information is helpful for my team's focus group, because we can use the methods listed above to aid in changing behavior. Allowing the residents in the dorm to know the significance of recycling, how it personally benefits their lives, may create a change in behavior that will eventually allow for the support of the Green Campus Fund.

To view this article, please visit

Timletta, R.E. & Williams, I.D. (2007). Public participation and recycling performance in England: A comparison of tools for behavior change. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 52, 622-634. Retrieved September 21, 2011, fromScience Direct Journals.